If you are ready to step away from the mainstream art school experience, then welcome to the Burren College of Art.

Studying abroad helps you develop new perspectives on who you are as an artist, and to see your art and yourself through new eyes.  BCA offers a transformative experience for the emerging artist, stripping away the noise, clutter, and distraction of everyday urban life to allow for a greater exploration of creativity. The college is located in the Burren, a region famous for its natural beauty and unique ecosystem; a location perfect for reflection and introspection, but also for directing the contemporary artist’s unique insight toward problems and solutions in the wider world.

Our maximum college capacity during the academic year is 40, which includes a combination of Study Abroad undergraduate students, postgraduate students, and several artists-in-residence from all over the world. This intimate community creates an exciting platform for discussion, artistic collaboration, and cross-disciplinary exchanges.

Students are assigned a large studio space for the duration of their program, to which they have access 24/7.  Our courses are delivered both in-studio, on a tutorial basis, or as group courses. Tutorial courses are taught through scheduled 1-to-1 contact in a student’s own studio, supplemented by regularly scheduled group presentations, discussions, and critiques. Group courses are taught as a unified class, with all students present with the tutor at the same time, along with individual advising sessions.

For full program information, visit the Burren College of Art Individual Study Abroad page and watch this recorded info session with Dr. Lisa Newman, Director of Admissions. Note that this is an Individualized Program option and not an ArtCenter program. You can learn more about that process here.


Students normally take 5 courses during the semester, each carrying 3 credits.  There is a diverse array of courses from which to choose in the areas of Painting, Sculpture, Drawing, Photography, as well as adjunct courses such as Art & Ecology, Art of Daily Living, Walking as Art Practice, and Art in Context.  Courses are available at Introductory, Intermediate, Advanced and Independent level and a full description of the range of courses is available in the adjacent online tabs.

A weekly visiting artist program, regular trips to galleries in Dublin, London and Berlin as well as local galleries and visual art festivals in the West of Ireland ensure students are exposed to the best of European contemporary art.

  • Students choose which orientation in drawing is most suited to them and develop their ideas and skills in consultation with faculty.

    Students may propose an emphasis at Advanced or Independent levels. Emphases on Drawing and Environmental or Ecological Engagement are particularly welcomed. These courses satisfy both the major and elective requirements for studio practice. Courses include:

    BCADR 2 Intermediate Drawing
    BCADR 3 Advanced Drawing
    BCADR 5 Independent Study Drawing
    BCADR 6 Life Drawing

    See full course descriptions here.

  • We consider painting to include visual enquiry and expression of ideas through colour and fluid mediums of any kind, possibly in conjunction with other materials. Painting ranges from traditional 2D mediums such as oil, acrylic and watercolour to experimental use of any fluid medium as well as the digital extension of painting.

    Students are encouraged to experiment with the painting process, including the use of different grounds. We do not favour any one approach to painting and we encourage students to discover and develop their personal artistic standing as painters.

    Advanced and Independent Study Painting students have the option of declaring an emphasis in their course and to have it represented on their transcript.

    Approved emphases are: Figurative Painting; Abstract Painting; Narrative Painting; and Painting and Ecological Engagement and Landscape Painting. Students wishing another emphasis to be identified on their transcript may apply for approval at the time of registration.

    These courses satisfy both the major and elective requirements for studio practice.

    BCAPA2 Intermediate Painting
    BCAPA5 Advanced Paining
    BCAPA7 Independent Study Painting

    See full course descriptions here.

  • We consider sculpture to be an open field of material practices that can additionally include aspects of other modes of art making including 2D images, 4D virtual realities, sound, video art, performance, political and socially engaged practices. Sculpture can also include temporary installations, permanent public sculpture and the world wide web as a platform for art.

    Our approach to teaching sculpture is inter-disciplinary and focused on 'joined-up' thinking and action. We encourage a research-based studio practice that leads to innovation and the discovery and development of the students personal artistic language.

    Approved emphases at Advanced and Independent levels are: Sculpture in the environment, Ecological sculpture, Interactive and Socially Engaged Sculpture, Installation and Public Sculpture, Duration and Movement, Figurative or Sound and Virtual Space. Students wishing another emphasis to be identified on their transcript may apply for approval at the time of registration.

    These courses satisfy both the major and elective requirements for studio practice.

    BCASC1 Intermediate Sculpture
    BCASC3 Advanced Sculpture
    BCAS4 Independent Sculpture

    See full course descriptions here.

  • Burren College of Art considers Photography to be a vehicle of expression, perception and artistic voice. Technical instruction is provided as appropriate. The program is designed to encourage student engagement with the concepts as well as the mechanics of the field.

    Due to the relatively small scale of the college, students have a high level of concentrated access to the photographic facility as well as to tutors, peers and visiting artists. As well as working individually on guided or independent projects, students may also choose to work on a team-orientated assignment. Cross-media interaction and collaboration are actively encouraged.

    Approved emphases at Advanced and Independent Levels are: Landscape and Environmental Photography; Experimental and Conceptual Art; Street and Studio Portraiture; Documentary Photography; or another proposed emphasis, subject to faculty approval.

    These courses satisfy both the major and elective requirements for studio practice.

    BCAPH1 Introductory Photography
    BCAPH3 Advanced Photography
    BCAPH4 Independent Study Photography

    See full course descriptions here.

  • Students may chose up to two liberal arts courses to complement their studio courses. Burren College of Art recommends all students take Irish Studies.

    BCANS1 Irish Studies
    BCANS2 Art History
    BCANS3 Creative Writing

    Find full course descriptions for the above courses here.

    BCAAE1 Art and Ecology
    BCAAJ2 Art in Context
    BCAAJ4 Walking as Art Practice
    BCAAJ6 The Art of Daily Living

    Find full course descriptions for the above courses here.


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