Gobelins: l’école de l’image | FA Exchange

Applications for this program has closed.



For almost 50 years, Gobelins, l’école de l’image has been a global reference in the fields of digital communication, interactive design and entertainment. Renowned as one of the best schools in the world, Gobelins offers courses in Photography, Animation, Motion Design and Interactive Design. Gobelins is unique in its pedagogical approach, which integrate a triple dimension: creative, technical and professional. If creative and cultural education is very present in the pedagogy, it always fit into a professional context, enabling students to stretch their limits both creatively and technically and allowing them to be ahead of the requirement of the industry.

The programs focus on innovative pedagogical projects. Through teamwork, workshops, project-based courses, tutoring and self training with specialized resources, interdepartmental projects and collaboration, professional assignments commissioned by a client designed and developed to become a business tool, final projects presented in exhibitions, publications and international festivals. Gobelins maintains a strong relationship with the industry. professionals participate in juries, advisory boards as well as numerous other meetings and events. They offer a high level quality assurance at Gobelins by guaranteeing the training corresponds to the needs of the different professional sectors. The school also maintains constant, productive ties with representative bodies and professional institutions. The many consultants and experts send by companies to teach and advise projects reinforce its strong link with the professional sector.

For more information about Gobelins, please visit their website or watch this video. A selection of student work can be found on this page.

Check out the recording of the February 16 info session.


Students at Gobelins will take 3 courses for a total of 15 credits. The credit breakdown at ArtCenter will be 12-15 studio credits. Entertainment students should talk with their track directors to determine how these credits will apply towards their degree requirements. Students who have academic requirements to fulfill may also be eligible for a maximum of 3 H&S credits.

  • Realization of the key poses and interpolations of the 3D animation of the main characters (postures, movements, expressions…)

  • Use the lip sync feature to align mouth movements with sound inflections. Know how to animate a character's speech :animate the facial controllers and lip sync with the soundtrack of a monologue. Adapt lip sync and facial expressions with body gestures.

  • Create special effects by carrying out modelling, animation, texturing,. Model characters, vehicles, objects and scenery using textures, volume and colors. Perform compositing operations. Design the artistic universe of the animated film.

  • While the majority of work at Gobelins is studio based, there is a certain amount of H&S coursework embedded into the studios. As such, students who have H&S elective requirements remaining may be eligible to fulfill 3 credits during their time at Gobelins.


Paris is one of the most exciting cities in the world, bringing in millions of visitors each year. The city is located on the Seine River in northern France and has an estimated population of 2.2 million. The world’s most-visited art museum, the Louvre, is located in Paris and houses the Mona Lisa and the Venus de Milo statue. The Louvre is only the beginning of the city’s extensive art scene: the city has museums dedicated to Pablo Picasso and Auguste Rodin, among many others. Paris is an international city with much to offer, and is a great setting for the study and creation of art. Cafe culture is a distinct aspect of life in Paris, and locals are often found relaxing with a good book or having a good conversation over coffee. There are cafes on nearly ever corner in the city, and it is common to sit at a cafe for at least an hour, enjoying the intellectual and caffeinated stimulation. Literature is valued greatly in Paris, and there are 70 libraries in the city. Paris is a frequent setting in literature and film, and is often romanticized. A very fashion-forward city, Paris has been home to many famous designers and brands, such as Chanel, Dior, Hermes, Jean-Paul Gaultier, Louis Vuitton, and Yves Saint Laurent.


Gobelins does not provide housing. However, there are many different types of accommodation in Paris available: Studio Apartment, Multi-Bedroom Apartment/ Colocation, Chambre de Bonne – One room apartment with kitchenette and shower, often a shared toilet, Homestay, Foyers (Halls of Residence). Though Gobelins’ platform, you’ll be able to find a rental, close to campus, an international or French roommate(s) and form shared rentals; a subletting; or a room in a French family. In addition, Gobelins has housing resources listed on their website.


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